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Modern War Issue #36 - Magazine + Game Cold Start: The Next India-Pakistan War

SKU: MW036

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Cold Start: The Next India-Pakistan War (CS) is a strategic-level, two-player wargame of low-intermediate complexity that covers the campaign that could occur if the Indians decide to try for the big win over long-time opponent Pakistan. The title comes from the fact “Cold Start” is the phrase used by the Indian military to describe their officially declared policy of eschewing the first use of nuclear weapons in any future war with Pakistan. The game’s sub-systems are crafted to present a supreme-commander’s-eye-view of such a war. It’s therefore almost fully strategic in its perspective, with only the most pastel of operational and tactical undertones added to enhance its tone and texture in those regards. CS takes two experienced players only about two hours to complete, and it’s adaptable for solitaire play.

Components: One 22" x 34" map on one sheet & 176 counters